Thursday, 8 September 2011

Wendall reaches out to orphans!!!

Big Brother Amplified (BBA) winner Wendall Parson took time out on Sunday afternoon to play drums with orphans from a number of children’s homes in Harare.

Wendall was accompanied by Drum Café Zimbabwe which provided entertainment and drums for the children at Harare Children’s Home.
Each child was given a drum to play.

Those who were too young to play the drums could not help but convert their caretakers’ chests into drums.

Wendall decided to provide entertainment for the children after realising they were short on recreation.

“After donating to the children’s home a few weeks ago, I figured out that they did not have much entertainment. As an older person, I think of the basics, but as a young person, social interaction is most important so entertainment is very critical for the children,” said Wendall.

He added that playing drums gave the children an opportunity to freely express themselves.

“Drums are used for team building as each individual is given a drum then they play the drums together to produce one uniform beat,” he said.

Gillian Jackson, Wendall’s mother-cum-manager, said the orphans needed to have variety.

“It is necessary for the children to be exposed to different aspects of life including sports, arts and culture as they can earn a living out of it. This also gives them a chance to explore their talents,” she said.


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